An opportunity to flourish

Daniel Nevins

Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor


Over a thousand scientific studies have shown that to transform our relationship to anxiety we must turn towards the anxiety and not away from it. I created Anxiety Solutions Asheville because I believe this counter-intuitive truth is not as well-known as it should be. People often spend years avoiding the very feelings that will help them create a more meaningful life.

Successful therapy explores human life in its fullest sense - what we do, what we think, and what we feel - while being grounded in the deep experience of living in a human body. My primary therapeutic framework is called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, which provides a rich, evidence-based, blend of mindful and somatic interventions, along with a strong behavioral and cognitive orientation. Together, my clients and I examine our deepest values, and how those values are expressed in the ways we live each day. We also address the culture at large and how that culture supports or hinders our growth and our ability to change. Everything effects everything else. Our lives are not problems to be solved, they are opportunities to flourish.

We are living in uncertain times. There are so many reasons to be anxious. But we need not make matters worse by running from anxiety (anxiety is always faster than we are). There are proven methods available to help us turn anxiety into an ally - a resource for growth and self-discovery. I use these methods everyday, and I would be honored to share what I have learned with you.


“A socially anxious person is very likely a person yearning to connect with others. You hurt where you care, and you care where you hurt.”

~ Steven C. Hayes, PhD